Site Account Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction

1.1 Jezzam Ltd owns and provides various websites, services, and software that facilitate scheduling and appointment management (collectively, the "Services").

1.2 By using the Services, you also consent and agree to the Jezzam general terms and conditions.

2. Registration and site accounts

2.1 You may register for an account (a "Site Account") to implement scheduling and appointment management by completing the site account registration process.

2.2 Jezzam does not control, review, approve, monitor or warrant the services ("Third Party Services") offered by you through your Site Account.

2.3 You must not use your Site Account for or in connection with the impersonation of any person, company or legal entity.

2.4 You must notify us in writing immediately if you become aware of any unauthorised use of your Site Account.

2.5 Any extra terms and conditions you provide for your Site Account must not conflict with any Jezzam terms and conditions or other legal policies.

2.6 Data collected in and used by your Site Account when using the Services must adhere to data protection laws in your region.

2.7 The existence and configuration of your Site Account and the fulfillment of any Third Party Services is your sole responsibility. As such, the resolution of any complaint in this respect is also your responsibility.

3. Cancellation and suspension of your Site Account

3.1 We may:

(a) suspend your Site Account;

(b) cancel your Site Account; and/or

(c) edit your Site Account details,

at any time in our sole discretion without notice or explanation, providing that if we cancel any services you have paid for and you have not breached these terms and conditions, we will refund to you a pro rata amount of your payment, such amount to be calculated by us using any reasonable methodology.

3.2 You may delete your Site Account using the administration panel. You will not be entitled to any refund if you delete your account.

3.4 We may at our sole discretion delete Site Accounts that have been suspended or inactive for a period longer than 18 months. This helps us manage our data resources and data compliance. We will use the information available to us from your account to notify you at least 3 months in advance before we take this action. Jezzam allows you to export your data should you need to keep it for historical record management.

3.5 If your Site Account is deleted all account data is removed from the Services and cannot be recovered.

4. Subscriptions

4.1 To become a subscriber to the Services, you must pay the applicable subscription fees. We will send you an acknowledgement of your order. If your order is accepted, we will send you an order confirmation, at which point the contract between us for the supply of the Services shall come into force.

4.2 For so long as your Site Account and subscription remain active in accordance with these terms and conditions, you will benefit from the features specified for the Services in relation to your subscription type.

4.3 We may from time to time vary the benefits associated with a subscription. Providing that, if in our reasonable opinion such a variation results in a substantial loss of value or functionality, you shall have the right to cancel your subscription, and we will refund to you any amounts paid to us in respect of any period of subscription after the date of such cancellation.

4.4 At the end of any period of subscription for which you have paid, and subject to the other provisions of these terms and conditions, your subscription will be automatically renewed and you must pay to us the applicable subscription fees, unless you cancel the subscription using the cancellation facility on our website before the date of renewal.

5. Fees

5.1 The fees in respect of the Services will be as set out on the website from time to time.

5.2 You must pay to us the fees in respect of the Services in advance, in cleared funds, in accordance with any instructions on our website. These funds are non-refundable.

5.3 We may vary fees from time to time by posting new fees on our website, but this will not affect fees for services that have been previously paid.

5.4 If you dispute any payment made to us, you must contact us immediately and provide full details of your claim.

5.5 If you make an unjustified credit card, debit card or other charge-back then you will be liable to pay us, within 14 days following the date of our written request:

(a) an amount equal to the amount of the charge-back;

(b) all our reasonable costs, losses and expenses incurred in recovering the amounts referred to in this Section 10.6 (including without limitation legal fees and debt collection fees),

and for the avoidance of doubt, if you fail to recognise or fail to remember the source of an entry on your card statement or other financial statement, and make a charge-back as a result, this will constitute an unjustified charge-back for the purposes of this Section 10.6.

5.6 If you owe us any amount under or relating to these terms and conditions, we may suspend or withdraw the provision of services to you.

6. Money back guarantee

6.1 If during the first paid month of you subscription you are not completely satisfied with the Services, we will give you a 100% refund of the subscription fees you have paid.

6.2 The money back guarantee is only available for the first paid month of your first subscription. It is not available where the account owner, organisation or related organisations have had previous subscriptions.

6.3 The money back guarantee covers Jezzam subscription fees only. It does not not cover any other fees (including but not limited to bank charges and fees).

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